Okay, can I just say that I feel for these people?
Jon & Kate Plus 8 has been my favorite show for like a year and a half now. And for someone who pretty much has given up TV watching, that's saying a lot. But in the past day or two, I've become so disheartened. I'm so bummed that something that was such great family fun is being turned into something sordid and nasty. I really enjoyed watching their family negotiate it's way through the challenges of raising two sets of multiples and all the personality clashes that go along with raising a large family -- including the parents' personalities. I was excited for them that their show was opening up great opportunities for them and that their circumstances were allowing them to take their kids on vacations and to enjoy each other's company. I was excited that Jon had the opportunity to work from home so that he could be with the family more often. I was happy for them that they got a new house where they could be more comfortable and allow the kids to have more private space.
But this current publicity is just driving me crazy. And while I realize that Satan is this way, I just feel like it's really sad. In the beginning, I was just like -- "No way, just chalk it up to paparazzi and the media not allowing anything to be righteous and good in this world. Everyone is a little jealous and so wants to detract from a real, but solid marriage/family." But the more time goes by, the more and more news reports and the more and more people jumping in to give their two cents, I just have to wonder if there is something to all the rumors and all the magazine covers, after all. Personally, I am quite like an ostrich -- happy to live with my head in the sand, but come on now...there is a point where even I have to face facts.
I understand, however -- ahem! and so should the rest of TV viewers --that I don't have any facts other than what I hear reported on the internet/news. And understandably, most of those "facts" will be distorted and are not, indeed, truly facts. Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame. But even the most idealistic optimist has to be somewhat pragmatic at some point and understand that where there is smoke, most likely there is some sort of fire.
I'm just getting really tired of it all and if I am, how must Jon and Kate (let alone their poor family and friends) feel?
So, here's the deal....my bottom line is that I'm going to pray wholeheartedly for them and for the healing of their relationship and for the wounds that this media storm has caused. For what God has put together, let no man put asunder!
I'm also going to pray that the paparazzi and the media start respecting their privacy, for goodness' sakes. I realize that Jon and Kate did create this fishbowl that they live in, but there comes a point where we have to understand that, even though we're the public that made the show what it is, we have no right to pry any further inside than we've been invited. And in no way have any of us been invited into their personal relationship or the mistakes made therein! They opened their door to show us their lives but they did not invite us into their family in anything more than a superficial way. The invitation did not include the right to decimate their family and destroy their bonds of trust -- those things require an invitation of intimacy that was not extended to any of us!
Any poor decisions and poor judgement calls made on the part of any party within their family relationship need to be dealt with behind closed doors -- within their family. That's all. I'm not saying that those things are right, but give the poor people a chance to be human! They are not any different than any other people on this planet other than the fact that they are living lives that have had some extraordinary circumstances introduced into them-- not the least of which is a TV viewing audience.
Come on people -- show some respect (and if you don't have that -- at least show you have a heart) and let's give them the opportunity to deal with God and each other -- they are not accountable to us, the freaking TV viewing public. They are accountable only to God and the vows they made to each other, in His sight. Give them a break and give us all a break, for goodness' sake. They have 8 children who are going to have to pay the price for our insatiable curiosity about this family's life. Think about that and back off, okay?!
*****And Jon and Kate, if by some freak chance you happen to read this, please know that your whole family is in my prayers and that I have faith in you! You just have to remember that no mistake is bigger than the power of God's healing. Just CLOSE THE DOORS and give yourselves the opportunity to be healed, if that's what it takes. He'll take care of you. Just place your faith in HIM and do what you need to do for the sake of your sweet family. Let the TV viewing public, your contracts, and TLC take care of themselves. Prioritize and make sure that God is first and that your marriage and family is next. You don't have to be OF the world to live IN the world. If you remember those things, everything else will fall into place. I say these things in love and not in judgement, please know that. Be blessed! *****
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