Friday, May 15, 2009

Love and Hate...not necessarily in that order

Okay, ya'll here's my rant of the day: I hate scams. UGH! For the girl who would've been voted "Most Gullible" in high school or maybe I's late, I can't quite remember.....I just really hate the fact that there are so many internet scams out there. And yes, I have fallen hook, line and dollar (many -- way TOO many dollars!) for several different ones. Guilty. However, having gotten scammed made me a little bit more cautious and a lot more suspicious. So I check things out THOROUGHLY before I even consider buying/subscribing/falling for whatever is being advertised.

Case in point: Today, Yahoo! had a headline in their "Marketplace" box that read: "Heart Attack Survival: Hugh Downs on little known symptom sadly ignore in Bottom Line book." I clicked on the headline to go to the ad, because I was understandably curious. Especially after my little scare in February. But, the ad looked suspicious to that Sherlock Holmes wannabe inside of I said, I've fallen victim one too many times to just believe everything I read anymore. But I clicked on the "continue" button at the bottom of the page anyway. The next page wanted more information about me -- contact information, etc. But it also gave the company's name and address. So, given my naturally suspicious and cautious nature (cough, cough), I went to the Better Business Bureau website and looked said company up. Low and behold, they have an F rating with the BBB.

Can we talk? I mean, come on! This was the front page -- the home page -- of the Yahoo! website. Seriously. How important are advertising dollars - even in this economy - that such a huge internet force would allow advertisements from a company that has an F rating? Does integrity not matter anymore? Does trust and reliability mean nothing? I am so very disappointed. I did sent Yahoo! an e-mail with the pertinent information. I really hope that I'm wrong, but truly I am not so naive as to think that they'll actually do something about it or care. And I hate that. I hate that I automatically think the worst instead of hoping for the best. However, considering the hoops that I had to jump through to actually get to a place and a form where I could e-mail them, I really hope they respond. They don't make it easy for people to get in touch with them -- which in and of itself just affirms my theory that they DON'T/WON'T CARE. *sigh* Politics really just wear a girl out.

But now that we've got the bad news out of the way....let's end on a happy note! I heart Facebook! :O) I just signed up today and it's officially official, I'm in love -- or okay, infatuation. Because it'll probably cool off in a few days, but at this point, I find it totally cool to chat with people that I've been missing for half my life and didn't even know that I missed until I saw their name again. Some people I acknowledge that I knew I missed (I'm not clueless about EVERYTHING, friends) but some people, I just saw their name and I was taken back in time. It may sound really new age-y and ya'll who know me know that I am so NOT, but I am totally of the belief that if you truly connect with someone, you're never the same after that connection. They're a part of your history and your life. So to re-connect with people who had an impact on you...even 20 or 25 years ago, is so WOW in my book! Or my Facebook, as the case may be.

And what's really sad is the fact that I've probably said/typed/thought "Like" and "You know" and "Totally" more today than I have in about 20 years and I have to attribute that to the bad influence of the people's names that I saw in the Facebook pages today....because you know, it's like totally got to be their fault because I like totally don't talk that way normally. You know?

Just chalk it up to me needing rest, folks. Rest and a vacation. And perhaps some medication (or a margarita?) to help me relax. A restful medicated vacation. Calgon......totally take me away.

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My Lollipop Gang - Becca, Spencer, Braden, and Conner

My Lollipop Gang - Becca, Spencer, Braden, and Conner